Dear Reader,
My two professional habits are performing my poems and obsessively reading artist statements. My group chats are supportive. I started texting them sentences inspired by artist statements. My favorite artist’s statements focus on building futures through knowing pasts. No matter the political chaos, we release Sankofa birds to fly. It’s an honor to be an artist at this time. Funding is getting cut, spaces are becoming increasingly unsafe, and soon, the bounty hunters and finger pointers will come for us — and yet, we’re the ones who create culture. Every law built, every policy approved, every pardon granted is an act of defense they make in complete fear of our living.
how to memorize a poem
ignore what the dictators say. let your dead grandmas sweep their soot from your stardust. do not plant a poem, return it to the darkness whence it crowned. take a deep breath and turn yourself into puddles of emptiness. your body deserves this poem. become a popcorn poltergeist to this piece its okay if you need a new name for it, even Beyonce knealed at Sasha Fierce's stilletto. open the curve of your tear ducts allow sensuality to drip from your mouth click your tongue against the devil's temple but don't let your teeth do all the talking. every wrinkle in your hands are rivers tasting your lineage. pour yourself into this everlasting. only then will your chest open and arches beat their wings
My late paternal grandfather (who I think might have been queer in his own right) memorized and recited poems through kabuki; my own mother used to do broadcasting for one of the larger Korean immigrant churches in LA, and once dreamt to be a broadcaster of some sort. I used to memorize speeches my mom wrote for me for Korean speech contests as a primary school child.
....I think it may be time.